Thursday, September 18, 2008

TwitterKeys: ♥ ✈ ☺ ♬ ☑ ♠ ☎ ☻ ♫ ☒ ☤ ☹ ♪ ♀ ✩ ☠ in Twitter!

How I added ♥ ✈ ☺ ♬ ☑ ♠ ☎ ☻ ♫ ☒ ♤ ☤ ☹ ♪ ♀ ✩ ✉ ☠ ✔ ♂ ★ ✇ ♺ ✖ ♨ ❦ ☁ ✌ ♛ ❁ ☪ ☂ ✏ ♝ ❀ ☭ ☃ ☛ ♞ ✿ ☮ ☼ ☚ ♘ ✾ ☯ ☾ ☝ ♖ ✽ ✝ ☄ ☟ ♟ ✺ ☥ ✂ ✍ ♕ ✵ ☉ ☇ ☈ ☡ ✠ ☊ ☋ ☌ ☍ ♁ ✇ ☢ ☣ ✣ ✡ ☞ ☜ ✜ ✛ ❥ ♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓ ☬ ☫ ☨ ☧ ☦ ✁ ✃ ✄ ✎ ✐ ❂ ❉ ❆ ♅ ♇ ♆ ♙ ♟ ♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ to and what happened in the first 48 hours...

read more | digg story

Friday, September 12, 2008

Top 5 Tips For Success on Digg

So, you know submitting articles to digg can bring hordes of traffic to your site. You know it’s relatively easy to amass a few hundred friends by adding everyone you come across and you’re probably aware that you can spam the crap out of your friends using “shouts”. These are some of the tools you have at your disposal as a member of digg’s community but in order to truly be a success on digg, you’ll need more than a spammer mentality and a blog especially if you’re looking to get that zerg diggrush of traffic to your submission’s site.

(Disclaimer: Poorly edited pics - I'm at work and used what I had)

The following five tips should help you become a successful, contributing member of the digg community:

1. Stop digging every story you come across.

This is a community website based on the collective interests of the masses (in this case, geeks). Don’t ruin that by digging the duplicate’s duplicate of the “COOLNESS” Motivator, the (coolest guy to ever exist) guy with four-popped collars for the 43892174 time. Acclimate yourself to the community and digg what you really like! Gaming the community takes away from what’s so great about it in the first place, being able to see what the collective consciousness is really interested in, whether that’s a breaking news story, new mac, speculations on the next batman movie, gorgeous chick, or another god-awful meme in the making.

2. Stop adding everyone.

You’re watering down the community and contributing to the spammer behavior that’s run rampant. Add people you share interests with, people that leave the comment you would’ve left had you arrived at the submission earlier. You’re far more likely to receive shouts that are relative to your interests from a person you share interests with, which in turn leaves you more likely to receive diggs on your submissions. It’s give and take whether you like it or not, so do yourself (and the community) a favor, take the time to do it right.

3. Don’t leave spam comments.

We’re aware you probably just found the most profound, hilarious, front-page-worthy article/vid/image evar (that you cited and moved to your ad-filled-spam-blog) but we don’t want to see you link spamming it in the comments on our “Sarah Palin Has Seven-Armed Mutant-Child Born From Satan’s Seed” - it’s in poor taste. Leave a comment that’s witty, snarky, intelligent, or even a (very well placed) meme joke - something that’ll make people want to add you for your amazing commenting abilities or at least your ability not to look like a total asshole.

4. Participation is key.

If you want to make a name for yourself or your submissions on digg, you need to participate and by participate, I don’t mean digg 8942378945 stories, I mean be an active contributor to the site’s content. Find your niche or clique and start submitting, commenting and socializing with like-minded individuals. If you’re on digg for the purpose of trolling or spamming, better make a few sock-puppet accounts because the sites moderators will not hesitate to ban you (I know from experience).

5. Stop shouting at me.

(pic unrelated)

Seriously. If you shout at me one more time about Ron Paul’s Parrot Reciting The Constitution After Discovering The Cure to Cancer While Riding a Beagle Backwards Through a Mac Factory, I’ll shit bricks. Keep your shouts to a minimum. I know you’re excited about the pic you found of an Kevin Rose doing surgery on a pregnant Albino Penguin but if I’m interested, I’ll check it out when I get around to it. Your submission and shout will not disappear but if you keep shouting, you’re going to be un-friendified faster than tits reach the Front-page, that’s no bullshit.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008